Imagination More Superior Of Volition
It is said by a French doctor named Emile QUE: "When there is a conflict between wanting and the imagination, certainly imagination more superior." In his book One Minute Millionaire by Mark Victor Hansen, explained very well.
Given an example: When a child is told: "There is no monster under the bed. Take it easy, no monsters under the bed." But when the lights extinguished, wild imagination and finally the child was frightened. Well if you want to make calm the child.
You will be more successful if we use our imagination rather than logic. You could say: "Don’t worry kids, the monsters in our house was not a monster who hurt children. Parent only let the incoming monsters that protect children. Relax, that the monster below a very kind and will protect you. "
We are no different today, and the monsters we imagine is not less scary than the little monster we imagine when we still a kid. Have you ever thought this way: "I know if my acquaintance with this man, my life could be more success." But then you hold yourself, your fear of rejection.
Sure, all of us doing this. Its always happened: we hated looking like a fool, we hated rejected. But pain is only in our imagination beeing rejected. Well if our imagination is rejected like that, change it imagination.
We can imagine that in fact if we accepted, we turned out so good. And if we imagine is rejected, we think "Oh just ordinary," or "If I smile it is rejected and he was also smiling" or imagine "if he would reject it is also very gentle." After that we imagine too, if he receives: "Wow, we would be very - very successful, and very - very incredible success away from today", then we will dare to ask for help, we will dare to propose cooperation with people - best people in world, and we motivation from the best people in the world.
So this principle is that imagination is superior to the will, then let's imagine the motivate yourself, the best film, projected the best results - the best possible results. With imagination like that we became more excited.
Good luck with your imagination.
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